
Mother’s Day 2024: Isha Khullar talks about the ‘working mother’s guilt’ and how she manages to deal with it

Palak Agarwal

She’s a mother, an author, one of Kanpur’s oldest and most relevant mom blogger and so much more! Popularly known by her Instagram name, ‘Mommy To Mishkaa,’ Mrs. Isha Khullar has been multi-tasking through it all for years now. On Mother’s Day 2024, we decided to get an insight into her real life behind the wonderful reels.

Here’s how the conversation went.

Q. Would you rather be called a ‘working mother’ or a working parent considering we don’t label men as ‘working dads’?

A. Honestly I don't mind being called a working mother. I am above the titles. They don't define my relationship with my kids.

Q. Are there any skills you picked up from being a mother that have translated into becoming a better businesswoman?

A. Motherhood is the best teacher. There is so much to learn to implement. Among all the life skills that motherhood taught me, I think multi- tasking and time management is what helped me in my work also.

Q. What do you find most challenging about being a mom-preneur?

A. The most challenging is definitely putting one above the other. There are times when one demands your time and attention more than the other, often putting the other on the backseat.

Q. What is the best parenting advice to give to mothers in business?

A. Best advice - Priorities matter! Your kids will be little only for some years. Once they grow, they won't require you as much as they do initially. Make the most of their childhood. Relive your childhood with them.

Q. Do you ever feel the working mother’s guilt? How do you draw a line between that and being a goal driven businesswoman?

A. Mom guilt is real and uncomfortable. People ask, why there is no dad's guilt? That's because they aren't wired to feel guilty for working or leaving the kids behind. It's the mothers. Leaving a sick child behind or missing your kids’ special functions because of your work commitments sucks big time. I majorly work when my kids are in school and after that also, my work revolves around my kids. I try and keep them involved as much as I can and when I am with them, I try and keep the phone away.

Q. What qualities of yours would you like your children to imbibe?

A. I want my girls to be empathetic and kind, loving and understanding. That's what the world needs. Also, I would want them to be capable and confident enough to take a stand and be able to call right from wrong. I want them to have opinions and be strong enough to share them. I want them to know that they are ENOUGH!

‘God couldn’t be everywhere so he created a mother.’ This Mother’s Day and every other, let’s appreciate their love, care and selflessness a little more and continue to do it always.

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